ZP: a virtual example of an increasingly attentive steel production

Steel production is undoubtedly associated with unclean and polluting activities, affecting the environment and the neighbouring communities. In recent years, however, this conjecture proved to be no longer valid. In fact, more and more steel mills are now capable of complying with strict environmental regulations and integrate themselves with local communities. Our steelmaking plant, Zeleziarne … Continued

A roadmap toward Net Zero by 2050

A large number of nations and companies are expressing their intention or commitment to achieve climate neutrality within a few decades. The awareness of the risks associated with inaction with respect to climate change is supporting this drive. Moreover, there is a clear trend in the market to privilege and valorise products and services that … Continued

A Steem for Steel 2021

From dirty and tiring to innovative and profitable: the perception of young students- involved in the second edition of A Steem for Steel- is changing The second edition of ‘A Steem For Steel’ has come to an end. It was a successful initiative that involved over 1,200 secondary school students. This year, the initiative, born … Continued

The second edition of ‘A STEEM FOR STEEL’ begins

Let’s welcome again the educational initiative to get students to approach the working opportunities, the sustainable aspects in the steel world and STEEM studies. As the very first alliance between school and work in the field, this project was conceived by Marcegaglia Onlus Foundation and has been sponsored by 4 big companies of the steel … Continued

The path to Green Steel production

By 2050, the European Union will become climate neutral. This is the long-term vision of the European Commission, it is the goal that single nations are going to set for themselves and the purpose we are embracing as citizens. The way to achieve this objective will be difficult and will radically change our society. Therefore, … Continued

Feeling close in times of pandemic

As we launch the first issue of our newsletter, it seemed the occasion was right to assess the way we managed to live and work through this Covid-19 emergency. The unprecedented situation we have gone through, and which we are still partially experiencing, has prompted us to find a new approach that would allow us … Continued


Pipex Italia – Main sponsor ARONAIRSHOW Anche quest’anno Pipex Italia parteciperĂ  come Main Sponsor all’AronAirShow, organizzato in collaborazione con il Comune di Arona, che si terrĂ  il dal 29 Giugno al 1 Luglio 2018 ad Arona.Il nostro coinvolgimento come sempre non è solo finanziario ma anche organizzativo, siamo infatti impegnati su molti degli aspetti organizzativi … Continued

Steel supporting social care

Pipex Italia has given its contribution to purchase a vehicle QUBO-FIAT, it is suitable for transporting people with health problems. Showing once more a particular sensitivity in the promotion of initiatives of solidarity towards those situations supporting the most vulnerables ones. Pipex Italia spa Don’t miss out on our news and initiatives, read our BLOG and Subscribe to … Continued